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St. Mary of the
Seven Dolors

A Parish Family

Home: Welcome

Parish News

Tuesday, April 25th is the Feast of The Annunciation of the Lord. Rosary at 5:00 p.m., Mass at 5:30 p.m.

We invite all Parishioners and friends to join us on Tuesday, after the 5:30 p.m. Mass for a Potluck Soup Supper. Please bring a dish or come as you are to share in the fellowship.


Donations in Memory of loved ones for Easter Flowers are very much appreciated. Please Clip out the corner in the bulletin for flowers, fill it in with the information and donation, and put it in the collection basket at Church or drop it off at the Rectory Office.


On Fridays during Lent, Adoration will be from 9:00 a.m. until Noon, 5:30 p.m. Stations of the Cross, and 6:00 p.m. Mass.

A Penance Service will be on Wednesday, April 2, 2025. The Service will start at 6:00 p.m. and individual confessions will end at 7:30 p.m. 


Let your heart overflow with gratitude and show a heartfelt offering of support to our International Priests. The faithful of our mission Diocese are truly blessed to walk alongside the dedicated men who have journeyed from across the globe to serve our spiritual needs. As true missionaries, they have left behind their families, their homelands, and the familiar comforts of their own culture to bring the light of Christ to our community. Our parish is enriched by the presence of Fr. Raj who is our beacon of faith and a testament to the universal Church. Next weekend, we have a unique and powerful opportunity to express our profound appreciation for their selfless service through the International Priests Collection. All of the funds will be sent to the home Diocese of each missionary priest. Thank you for your generosity.



Saturday 4pm;

Sunday 7am & 11am


Weekday Masses

Tues: 5:30pm;

Wed, Thur & Fri: 8am


Confessions (Individual)

Saturday: 2:30 - 3pm

Home: Join Us

Our Mission

Serving Our Catholic Community

Everything we do as a parish family - and we do a great deal - we do for the glory of God and the building up of God's kingdom. We are not just a group of individuals who happen to belong to the church, but rather, we are a family united by worship, community, and service.

Home: About

Helpful Links

Our Parish History - 1960

Chaplet of Divine Mercy

Iron County Food Pantry

Daughters Of Isabella

Home: List

ParishSoft E-Giving

We are excited to inform you that we now offer ParishSOFT Giving online!  ParishSOFT Giving offers you the opportunity to make secure, automatic contributions from your bank, credit or debit card account to St. Mary's. Online giving costs you nothing and provides many advantages to you and our church: 


What are the benefits of ParishSOFT Giving? 

  • ParishSOFT Giving is easy, convenient, safe and FREE! 

  • ParishSOFT Giving allows you to donate any amount, anytime from any device with Internet access. 

  • ParishSOFT Giving lets you set up automatic payments! 

  • ParishSOFT Giving puts all giving information at your fingertips to print receipts and track donations. 

Home: Text

St. Mary's lifts its cross-tipped spire on high
A flaming prayer ascending to the sky
Its double doors in welcome open wide
Bidding both Saint and sinner come inside
And feel the holy Presence that within
Under its veil of Bread and Wine still welcome us
And bids us all partake of the Feast Divine
That brings eternal life to all who dine.
Eat of My Flesh and drink My Blood, He said
And eternal life shall rest upon my head.
It stands serene upon St. Mary's Hill
Come life or death, come either joy or ill
It spreads its Holy influence abroad
And leads all men securely to their God.

J.E. Murphy

Home: Quote

Parish Office Information



Rev. Hrudaya Raju Sunkara

404 Iron Street, Hurley, WI 54534 - (715) 561-2606
Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-12pm / 1pm-4pm


Religious Education

Office: Irene Lardinois
Financial: Breanne Lombardo

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Join Our Family!

We welcome new members who wish to worship with us and support the parish's work and mission.  If you are interested, use the "Contact Us" form below, call the office at (715) 561-2606, or stop by the rectory.

Ministry Of Care

If a family member is homebound and would like a minister of care to bring Holy Communion, please call the office at (715) 561-2606.

Prayer Chain

You are invited to join one of the following prayer chains:

MaryAnn Levra: (715) 561-4023
Ken Otte: (715) 561-2446

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Contact Us

If you wish to contact the parish offices, please use this form or call (715) 561-2606. If you would like a response, you must provide an email address or phone number. PLEASE NOTE: The information submitted on this form will be reviewed by the parish secretary so that it can be routed to the correct recipient.

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Thank you for contacting us!

Home: Contact

(715) 561-2606

404 Iron St, Hurley, WI 54534, USA

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